
SCMTMOTO makes no warranty whatsoever, expressed or implied, oral or written, to purchaser(s) including dealers, retailers, businesses, individuals, consumers or customers.
SCMTMOTO has no warranty of merchantability made to purchaser(s).

Please note the following regarding warranty claims:
Most all items SCMTMOTO sells at wholesale are warranted by the manufacturer under manufacturer’s limited warranty(s).
These items generally require manufacturer’s authorization before SCMTMOTO can issue credit or exchange.
We will make every reasonable attempt to gain this authorization from the manufacturer on the purchaser’s behalf.

Any items, shipped to us via common carrier, must be shipped “Pre-Paid”.

Any item, part of any item, or opened package returned under warranty that has obviously been abused, modified or used incorrectly will be returned to you, or disposed of with written consent, and no credit shall be issued.

If any item, or part of any item, must be sent to the manufacturer for inspection, you will be notified as soon as we are advised of the disposition.
Credit will be issued to your account once a warranty disposition is approved.

All Warranty claims will be forfeited if any product is modified from the original condition other than the condition when shipped by SCMTMOTO.
Such modifications include but are not limited to, cosmetic finishes such as paint, engravings or alterations.
If you are going to modify any product sold to you by SCMTMOTO
it is strongly suggested the product be test fitted and all hardware verified prior to conducting the modification and forfeiting the limited warranties.